Usability Testing

Rapidly validate ideas

Illustration visualizing the Usability Testing service offering
Example outcome of this service offering

What is Usability Testing?

Instant validation of ideas to save time and resources on design and implementation.

Understand your Users to

Build for Engagement

Immediate Results
  • User-centric design

    Collaborate with your target audience to design with your users – not only for them.

  • Fewer Iteration

    Build easy to use designs in fewer iterations by testing quickly right from the start.

  • Integrated Workflow

    Receive user feedback inside design files for seamless workflows.

  • Save Time & Resources

    One testing session saves months in design and development resources.

Long-Term Effects
  • Feature Optimization

    Testing can surface additional requirements, use-cases and help discover future feature extensions.

  • Overhead Reduction

    Identifying rarely used features allows for reduction of product complexity, visual overload and removal of unneeded code.

  • Increase Retention

    Observation can help with increasing user engagement and retention by highlighting user’s desire paths.

  • Pain-Point Identification

    Testing allows to identify specific pain points or challenges users may encounter while using the product.

Interactive & Asynchronous Methods

Scale usability testing with the complexity of features

  • Moderated Tests

    Interviews conducted with users from a target audience to understand mental models, behaviors and misconceptions.

  • A/B Tests

    Unmoderated tests to choose between two or more design variants, giving insight into real-world usage.

Different Stakeholders have Different Requirements.

Perspective Matters

For apps and big websites many stakeholders need to work together and they all require different information. Here’s common questions that Usability Testing can find answers to:

  1. undefined
  2. undefined
  3. undefined
  4. undefined

Start the Collaboration with Your Users

  1. Week 1

    1. Kick-off meeting
    2. Participant Recruiting
  2. Week 2

    1. Interviews
    2. A/B Tests
    3. Analysis
    4. Presentation

Usability Testing can be fast, it typically takes us no more than two weeks to deliver validated results. Get in touch with our experts to learn more: